Thursday, November 10, 2016

Working with Partners

Yesterday we began Unit 2 in Readers Workshop.  We are learning about being "Powerful Partners." Here is our Anchor Chart to help us remember the steps:

Kindergarteners were kind, patient, helpful partners.  They took turns reading, talking about the illustrations and counting how many words are on each page. Look how much fun we had!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Fall Fun

We have been having so much fun this week!  Kindergarten Scientists made predictions about a pumpkin including "How many seeds are inside?" and "Will it sink or float?" Students asked lots of questions and then tested their ideas. We observed a pumpkin and noticed details like the lines on the outside and then got to count all of the seeds on the inside! We compared our predictions with what we discovered from our investigation. We had 430 seeds in our pumpkin!

Students got to get messy with shaving cream!  We practiced printing lower case letters in the shaving cream and had so much fun!