Welcome Back! I would like to share some important information about screenings, physical examinations, and taking medication in school.
Screenings: During this school year a variety of screenings will be done with our students, including Body Mass Index (height and weight), vision and hearing. If parents do not wish to have your child participate in screenings, please feel free to send this request in writing to your school nurse. Parents will receive notice of results of vision and hearing screenings that require medical follow up.
Physical examinations: If your child had a physical exam this summer or has one during the school year please send a copy to the nurse’s office. If you child has had any significant change in their health please let us know. Updated physicals, immunization records, and other medical reports are important to keep us up to date with your child’s health and to best help us meet his/her needs.
Medications: Certain “over the counter” (OTC) medications can be given in school with parent permission. “OTC Medication in School” permission forms to allow limited OTC medications to be given in school will be sent home with your child on the first day of school or are available for you to download on the School Health Services website. Prescription medications require a doctor’s order and parental permission to be given in school and must be delivered to the school nurse by a responsible adult. The medication must be in a labeled pharmacy container or box with student's name, name of medication, dosage, and time to administer.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child's health, please contact the me during the school day at 508-782-6602 or by email at kmoulton@framingham.k12.ma.us
The school nurse will be in the Health Office August 23rd, 24th, and 25th from 9:30 to 12 pm. This time can be used for medication drop off, submitting new student paperwork, or to discuss your child's health care needs before the first day of school. Please email me at the above email address if you would like to visit during this time. I am looking forward to seeing all of the Stapleton families!
Thank you
Kristina Moulton RN BSN
Stapleton Elementary School Nurse